Are you reading this article to reduce fever in baby naturally? As a new parent, one of the most common concerns you may have is your baby’s health. And when your little one has a fever, it can be quite worrisome. But before you rush to give them medication, know that there are natural ways to reduce fever in babies. Today, we will discuss how to reduce fever in babies naturally and provide you with helpful tips and tricks.

What is a Fever?

A fever is when your baby’s body temperature rises above the normal range of 98.6°F (37°C). This can be a sign that their body is fighting off an infection or illness. It’s important to note that fever itself is not an illness, but rather a symptom of an underlying issue.

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When to Seek Medical Attention

It’s crucial to monitor your baby’s fever and assess their overall health. If your child is under 3 months old and has a temperature over 100.4°F (38°C), it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. For babies between 3-6 months old, a fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher should also be evaluated by a doctor. Additionally, if your child has other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, or a rash, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Natural Ways to Reduce Fever in Babies

If your baby is over 6 months old and has a mild fever, there are some natural remedies you can try at home to help reduce their fever. However, it’s always best to consult with your child’s pediatrician before trying any new methods.

1. Keep Your Baby Hydrated

Fever can cause dehydration in babies, so it’s essential to keep them hydrated by offering breast milk or formula more frequently. You can also give them small sips of water if they are over 6 months old.

2. Dress Your Baby Comfortably

Dress in breathable, lightweight clothing to effectively maintain your baby’s body temperature. Avoid bundling them up in heavy layers, as this can make their fever worse.

3. Use a Cold Compress

A cold compress can help bring down your baby’s fever. Simply wet a washcloth with cool water and place it on their forehead, underarms, or groin area for a few minutes.

4. Try a Lukewarm Bath

Similar to using a cold compress, a lukewarm bath can also help reduce your baby’s fever. Make sure the water is not too cold as this can cause your baby to shiver, which can increase their body temperature.

5. Use Essential Oils

Some essential oils, such as peppermint or eucalyptus, have cooling properties that can help reduce fever in babies. You can mix a few drops of these oils with a carrier oil and gently massage it onto your baby’s chest, back, and feet.

6. Use a Humidifier

A humidifier can help add moisture to the air, making it easier for your baby to breathe if they have a stuffy nose or congestion accompanying their fever. Make sure to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent bacteria and mold growth.

7. Offer Proper Nutrition

While your baby is fighting off a fever, it’s important to provide them with proper nutrition. Continue to offer breast milk or formula as usual, and make sure they are getting enough fluids. You can also try offering light, easy-to-digest foods such as soups or broths.

8. Monitor Your Baby’s Temperature

It’s essential to monitor your baby’s fever and keep track of their temperature. You can use a digital thermometer to take their temperature rectally, orally, or under the arm. Ensure the thermometer is sanitized both before and following each usage.

9. Give Your Baby Plenty of Rest

Fever can be exhausting for your baby, so it’s important to allow them plenty of rest and sleep to help their body recover. Keep the environment calm and quiet, and try to limit visitors or activities that may overstimulate your baby.

Best Foods to Offer Your Baby During a Fever

While your baby may not have much of an appetite when they have a fever, it’s crucial to continue offering them nutrient-rich foods to help support their immune system. Some easy-to-digest options include:

  • Breast milk or formula
  • Bone broth
  • Oatmeal
  • Bananas
  • Applesauce
  • Rice cereal

Avoid giving your baby spicy or acidic foods, as they can irritate their stomach and make their fever worse.

When to Give Medication

If your baby’s fever is not responding to natural remedies, or if it gets too high, you may need to give them medication. Always consult with your child’s pediatrician before giving any medication and follow their recommended dosage.


Fevers are a common occurrence in babies, but they can be managed at home with natural remedies. However, it’s important to monitor your baby’s fever and seek medical attention if necessary.

Remember to always consult with your child’s pediatrician before trying any new methods or giving them medication. With these tips and tricks, you can help reduce your baby’s fever naturally and provide them with the care they need as a new parent. So, be patient and keep calm during this time as your baby’s fever will eventually subside.

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FAQs about Baby Fever

Can teething cause fever in babies, and how can I naturally soothe it?

Yes, teething can sometimes cause a mild fever in babies. To naturally soothe teething discomfort and associated mild fever, offer your baby a chilled teething ring or gently massage their gums with a clean finger. These methods can provide relief and help lower the fever caused by teething.

Will increasing my baby’s fluid intake help reduce fever?

Absolutely. Increasing fluid intake is crucial when your baby has a fever, as it prevents dehydration and helps cool down their body. Offering more frequent breastfeeding sessions, formula, or water (if they’re over 6 months old) can be beneficial. Hydration facilitates the body’s natural fever-reducing mechanisms.

Can a cool environment help in reducing my baby’s fever?

Yes, keeping your baby in a cool, comfortable environment can help manage their fever. Ensure the room is well-ventilated and maintain a moderate temperature. Overdressing or underdressing your baby can contribute to fever spikes, so it’s important to dress them in lightweight, breathable clothing.

Is it safe to use essential oils on my baby to reduce fever?

Essential oils, like peppermint and eucalyptus, should be used with caution on babies. Always dilute them with carrier oil, and avoid applying them directly to your baby’s skin without consulting your pediatrician first. Some essential oils can be too potent for babies’ sensitive skin or may pose other health risks.

When can I safely expect my baby’s fever to break after trying these natural remedies?

The effectiveness of natural remedies varies from one baby to another. Some babies may show improvement within a few hours, while others might need a day or two. Continuously monitor your baby’s fever and general well-being. If the fever persists beyond 24 hours or your baby shows signs of severe discomfort, seek medical advice.

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